Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Grey Fool

There have been a lot of uneasy nights for our readers lately. Olivia from Bangor has reported to us here at Malevolent Maine that she is dealing with dreams that involve a terrifying figure. She hasn’t slept well in weeks and it is beginning to affect her life. “I’m an accountant” Olivia told us, “And as I was processing a client’s taxes just last week I dozed off. I’m just so tired all the time, and every time I fall asleep I’m afraid I’ll see him.” 

Olivia told us about this figure she sees in her dreams, and we have to say, we can’t blame her for not wanting to fall asleep. “You know those old timey jesters that kings used to have, the outfits they wore? The patches of different colors? He wears clothing like that but instead of it being colorful it is all in black, white, and grey.  He doesn’t have the weird hat, but he does have the shoes with the little bells at the end.” 

A jester in Motley
You’d expect someone dressed like a jester to be happy and bounce around right? But the way Olivia describes this figure is ominous at best, and terrifying at worst. “His skin is ashen grey, not a normal color at all, and his neck is bent at this weird angle. He just stares at me, occasionally he will walk towards me or point. That might not sound bad but it always makes me so uncomfortable. It feels unnatural to be near him.” 

We hear at Malevolent Maine like to take reports about strange dreams, sleep paralysis, night terrors and the like with a grain of salt. And Olivia’s report of this Grey Fool was disturbing, but it wasn’t much to go on, just a standard nightmare. That was until we got another report similar to her’s. 

You might remember Javier from when we talked about shared dreams last time, he was constantly waking up in a desert full of bleached bone trees. He was frustrated because he felt like he was looking for something in his dreams and never could quite reach it. Well Javier thinks he finally found what he was looking for. 

“What was over the horizon was this weird upside down pyramid. It was the color of jet or maybe obsidian. And well I call it a pyramid because that is what it mostly looked like, but every
time I leaned one way or the other and looked at it that way it seemed to have sides that folded or unfolded, like the shape was something I couldn’t fully understand.”

A black upside down pyramid?

It doesn’t end there though, eventually Javier made his way inside that oddly shaped building. “The hallways were black too, and smooth as was like a labyrinth in there, hallways that twisted and turned, dead ends. I felt like Jack Torrence at the end of The Shining.” Then Javier went on to describe a figure that he met inside the structure. “He wore motley like a  medieval jester, but it was colorless, just like his face which was this grey color. It looked like his neck was broken the way he held it.” 

Unlike Olivia, Javier has only experienced the Grey Fool that one time, “I never found him again, and have only dreamed of the inside of the black pyramid a few times since.” 

Has this being been making people dream about him and the realm he lives in? Is he in control or just trying to warn these people of something worse? Either way we will continue to investigate these dreams and the effects they have on people. Stay safe out there Maine!

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The Meat Suit Man

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