Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Rapid Fire: July 2020

Strap in for another RAPIDFIRE Malevolent Mainers! Its been a while so lets get straight into it: 

  • Orbs over Dexter: MMer Natalie from Dexter reported that in late June there were several orbs of various colors that floated through the sky of her hometown. The orbs ranged in color from yellow to dark red, and moved oddly. Natalie has a strong suspicion that they are spirit orbs, a phenomenon where human spirits are unable to make their way to the afterlife and thus wonder around the material plane and appear to us as orbs of different colored light. Most of the time these orbs are harmless but some can be curious about people and drift near them or even follow them home. Go to Dexter if you want to watch some orbs in person!
An example of what a spirit orb looks like

  • Sharpshooter of Roque Bluffs: An odd phenomenon brought to us from Ted of Roque Bluffs, Maine. He says since he was a kid there was a legend that if you left a silver half dollar at a tree stump up on a certain bluff that if you went back after the next full moon you would find your coin had a perfect bullet hole in the center of it. No one has ever seen the figure or heard the shots, but more often than not when people come back to the stump they find the perfectly pierced half-dollar. Is it the spirit of a long passes sharpshooter, an old man with an odd hobby, or something else entirely, we will let you decide! 
  • Animals Missing in South Portland: Stacy, an MMer from SOPO has told us that the community is experiencing a series of missing animal cases. We urge all MMers in that area to keep your small animals indoors for the time being. This could be the work of a psychopath, the first sign of such a person is hurting small creatures. It could be there is a satanic cult forming in the area, or a new witches coven, both of which will use small animals as sacrifices in their day to day rituals. Either way keep your pets inside. Stay safe out there little fur-baby MMers!
  • Dinner with a Stranger: This is an odd one. A man from Windham who preferred to be left unnamed has reported that after visiting a local pawn shop looking for antiques he was approached by a portly older gentleman who invited him to dinner. He found that no matter how much he didn't want to go to dinner with the man, he couldn't refuse. He went to dinner, they took a long drive and the next morning the man took him to a street art exhibit in Portland, and for lunch they had lobster rolls by the sea. It wasn't until after this lunch that the man could return to his family. Please be on the look out for this man, entity, or whatever he is. We at Malevolent Maine have decided to call him the Portly Man. 
    Drawing of the Portly Man's face

    Stay tuned for more stories coming soon MMers, and if you have any weird stories please share them with us, we couldn't do this without you! Stay safe out there, Maine!

1 comment:

  1. I live in Dexter and when i saw these i always assumed they were Alien UFO's


The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...