Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Black Tarot Part III

It's been a strange morning, MMers, and things are starting to get a little freaky. Let's start with the Black Tarot cards we collected from Brenda Williams. You'll remember from Part II that Brenda received a set of creepy tarot cards in the mail. A previous recipient, Larry Gilbert (see Part I), reported that his set of cards disappeared from his home, a story corroborated by the other three original individuals. 

As you know, we kept Brenda Williams' cards in our office. Every day we check them to make sure they're still there. Well, here's where things get creepy. This morning, after our morning meeting, we went to check on the cards and they were gone! Now, to be fair, the cards weren't locked up, though they were secure in a drawer of a file cabinet. There were no signs of any forced entry into our office and a check of the security footage reveals nothing. Like Larry told us, the cards just disappeared.

Just an hour or so later, we received an email from a reader in Lisbon, Andrew Poulin. We decided (with his permission) to reprint his entire email below. We've added links to the posts he mentions to aid our readers:

Hello MM!

I was reading your post about Flight 129 and you had an update on Larry Gilbert going missing. That led me to do a deep dive on your site and I noticed a couple of interesting things. First off, I noticed that all of the Black Tarot cards have an artist's initials in the corner. I had to zoom in, but I could make out the letters: MB. That got me thinking about that Midnight Magician, Malachai Blackstone. Could he be connected to all of this somehow? Magicians use Tarot cards, right? Well, that got me thinking about the monolith thing in the Crannog's Field. Maybe this is a stretch, but you said the stone was covered in soot, so like a "black stone." Black stone...Blackstone...what do you think? Anyways, love the blog. You guys rule!

The initials MB appear on each card. We checked.

Thanks, Andrew. We're sending you a Malevolent Maine shirt, so look for it in the mail.

We're not sure about all of the connections Andrew is making, but we're definitely going to look a little more into Malachai Blackstone and see if he could be connected to the Black Tarot.

We tried to teach out to several of the other recipients of the Black Tarot. We haven't heard from Sara Burgess, Sharon Messina, Dominic Stoddard, or Brenda Williams. Hopefully we'll hear from them soon, but they haven't replied to our emails or voicemails. We did manage to get in contact with Kerri Delong. She was at home, but on our insistence, she checked on her spread of tarot cards - they too had disappeared.

And finally, we received an email from an account only known as EroDemon96. They claimed to be from the Auburn area but didn't want to give specifics. Their email said that yesterday they received a black envelope in the mail and that it contained five more cards of the Black Tarot. They sent along pictures to prove it:

EroDemon96's spread

It sounds like there's plenty more on this. We'll get back to you with more updates as we find out new information. Remember, as much fun as this stuff is, it can also be very dangerous. We end every post with a plea for safety. This time, it feels like we mean it just a little more. Stay safe out there, Maine.

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The Meat Suit Man

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