Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Witch of Woodland Valley

Good afternoon, MMers! With summer rapidly approaching and the weather improving, we wanted to take some time to warn you about potential harm found in a seemingly safe hobby. As you may know, there is a disc golf course in Limerick called Woodland Valley Disc Golf. You may have even played a round there yourself at some point in time. However, what you didn't know is that there is an evil spirit that haunts the grounds. If you've ever played there, you may have experienced a chill crawling up your spine around the sixth hole on the Grizzly Bear course. The hollowed out tree that marks the hole? Well, that's not there by accident. 

Back in the early 1690s, long before Maine was granted statehood, a woman named Isabelle Houser was arrested, and later convicted, for practicing witchcraft. It was said that she used her powers to lure young boys and girls out into the woods, pierce their ankles with rusty nails, hang them from a tree, and slowly drain the blood and life force out of them until they expired. Many believed that this was Isabelle's way of staying young, as she was 102 years old according to local records, but she didn't appear to be a day over 70. Once she was convicted and found guilty of witchcraft, murder, and other unmentionables, it was decided that she herself should hang from the same tree she had drained so many children from. So, the noose was readied, and Houser was hanged until death. The locals decided to not bother taking her body down afterwards, as she "deserved to rot" for what she had done. Six days after Houser's hanging, the middle of the tree seemingly imploded on itself, leaving only the hollowed out trunk that exists now. Interestingly enough, the tree hasn't changed shape since those days. Some say that it has an impenetrable hex that can never be removed. 

After her death, there were numerous reports of strange activity in those woods. Some reported hearing cackling in the distance, others heard the cries of desperate children. If you got close enough, you might even be able to smell, even see, the fresh blood of innocent children dripping down the tree's bark. 

Britney Bernard in the Hollowed Tree
In recent years since the disc golf course's opening on those "hollowed" grounds, a trend has started in which players pose in the hollowed tree for a photo opportunity. In 2017 a local, Britney Bernard posted a picture to her Instagram of her posing in the infamous tree. Britney was found dead six days later, cause unknown. We tell you this today, MMers, to warn you while you are out in those woods. If you hear a strange noise, smell the scent of freshly spilled blood, or even feel something brush against your shoulder, you should pick up your disc and leave the grounds before it is too late. Stay safe out there, Maine! 


  1. I remember being told this story and I had to see for myself so I drove over to the disk golf corse one evening and went over to the tree as I was approaching I remember the sun was just poking through the tree line and I was one of the few still on the corse, As I got up to the tree I looked off into the trees as I touched it and saw a figure standing there hunched over laughing as I looked back at the tree a strong smell of rot filled the air and I backed away griping my stomach normally smells don't bother me but this smell was so bad I left without hesitation that laugh still haunts me to this day.

  2. I have actually been inside of that witch tree. The craziest thing is the next day I woke up with a strange mark on my arm. It had never been there before. Lets just say, I think my days are numbered...

  3. Just stumbled upon this, my family and I have never been one for the supernatural, but there is no other explanation for what happened to my Brit. We miss you everyday, Britney

  4. I pass this course frequently and each time i feel as if eyes are watching me from deep within the course and a chill makes its way down my spine

  5. Ive been on this course before and even been inside of that witch tree. I walked into the depths of this course I got this chill down my spine and this uncomfortable feeling that someone is watching me. I thought I heard kids screams but just assumed that it was other kids on the course but.. what if it wasn't? If I were to go back there and take a picture inside the witch tree could my days be over?

  6. So I am a local in limerick but I have never been to the disc golf course. Just from the stories from the other towns people and a friend that worked as ground crew there, I think that would rather stay away from disc golf place all in all for everyone's future safety.


The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...