Monday, March 22, 2021

The Town That Wasn't There

Here's one right from the horse's mouth, MMers. Tom and Chris, two of our lead investigators here at Malevolent Maine, recently experienced a little firsthand unexplained phenomena of their own. They were driving to investigate  a claim about a so-called "witch tree" in Limerick (check back soon for the complete story). They were traveling along Route 5 when they saw signs indicating a town up ahead.

The map clearly shows no suck town exists.

"We're pretty familiar with the area," Tom said. "So the sign - you know one of those green signs that indicates the miles to the different towns - had a name we'd never seen before."

The sign indicated a town in between Waterboro and Limerick called Wilton Hills. This wasn't a town either of them had ever heard of before, and so they took a slight detour, following the signs that led them to this town.

"To be clear," Chris said. "This town is not on any map of Maine. Now, maybe that's not that unusual a little farther north or for those tiny little towns of only a handful of people, but this wasn't the case for us. This was a town that did not exist - could not exist - and yet, we were pulling up to their main street, just as real as the day." 

Our intrepid investigators found a thriving little town similar in size to say downtown Saco. There was a general store, diners, a barbershop.. They passed an elementary school, a fire department, pawn shop. You name it, the town seemed to have.

"It was quaint," Tom said. "Like the kind of little downtown you'd see in a movie or tv show."

The two got out and walked around for a bit. "We talked to some people on the street, just as normal as could be." They even went into a local coffee shop and got some java and a bagel. "The food was real. It tasted just fine," Chris said. "It was real good, actually."

Shocked and surprised by the town that had seemingly sprung up out of nowhere, the two made sure to take a lot of pictures.

So after an hour or two of exploring the town, Tom and Chris continued to Limerick and completed their investigation there. On the drive they discussed this little town they had never heard of and where it could have come from. On their way home, they decided to stop in again and grab a late dinner.

Much to their surprise, they could not find the town. Any trace of it, including signs, mile markers, landmarks, and anything associated with Wilton Hills just no longer existed.

"It doesn't make any sense," Tom said. "We know that. But we were in that town. We walked around, we ate, we talked to people. I don't understand how it could just disappear like that. And I investigate stuff like this for a living!"

There are no historical records of a town named Wilton Hills appearing anywhere in that area. There is a Wilton, Maine, but that is located in Franklin County, no where near where our boys were. What that town was and where it came from cannot be explained. Both investigators agree that it was a nice little town, and they hope to get back there someday.

Stay safe out there, Maine.

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The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...