Thursday, May 6, 2021

First Crinkle Face Sighting in Maine

Sorry to start the week with such bad news, but we at Malevolent Maine have been informed that the nationwide phenomenon known as Crinkle Face has made its first appearance in Maine. A University of Maine student returning from Spring Break has been taken to a mental health facility in Augusta after experiencing symptoms of the Crinkle Face Phenomenon. For those of you who are unaware, Crinkle Face is a phenomenon of unknown origin, it easily spreads from person to person, and eventually causes a psychotic break down which can lead to violent behavior. The person infected begins to see their reflection in a distorted way (we will include an artists interpretation below), then they begin to see others the same way, until eventually they snap and commit heinous crimes. It is unknown if the student at the university spread Crinkle Face to anyone else, but we will continue to monitor the situation.

Signs to be aware of if you think someone you know might be developing Crinkle Face:
1. Complaining about seeing odd things out of the corner of their eye
2. Avoiding mirrors or other reflective surfaces
3. Increased agitation or paranoia
4. Violent outbursts
5. Mutilation of their own face.

If anyone you know develops or displays any of the above symptoms please do not go near them and immediately report them to the authoritiies. Stay safe out there, Maine, don't get Crinkled!

Artist interpretation of what a person experiencing the Crinkle Face Phenomenon sees.


  1. That's so scary and crazy! Went up for a weekend at UMO and when I was leaving, I saw someone trying to set their car on fire!

  2. I have crinkle face

  3. that's crazy maybe it feeds off the stress of crippling student loan debt

  4. Wow this sounds a lot like the last time I saw my Ex husband! He looked so angry when I said he looked old, then he started scratching his face really hard!!! I hope this isn't another one of those panoramas so we can take these masks off. Stay safe everyone #WAP (Worship and Pray)!!! 😩🙏🍷

  5. I wonder if you'd be able to forcibly give it to someone, perhaps letting one with crickle face into a crowded location. that would be interesting to test.. however the better question to ask if it spreads how many died to gather the information and post about it. or if it can spread through online imagines.

  6. Crinkle Face is a weird ass Monster. Talk about something that even the hardest of Hicks wouldn't even want to go near. Truly a sight to see. Looks like he didn't drink enough Arnold Palmers or something. Stay safe and don't get Crinkled up by this guy!

  7. I am so glad to have come across this website. I've been searching for hours to find answers to what has been going on with my son Bronxy. I came home from a regular practice, but when I entered my home I found all the mirrors in the house smashed and glass everywhere. Thats when i saw him. Bronxy was in the living room stabbing a the corpse of someone I hadnt seen before. That is when I ran out of the house in fear. Ive been hiding in my car watching the house to see if anything happens.

  8. Can't believe I experienced this and didn't even know what it was until I came across this website. I was with some of my friends when we heard some noises from around a building. We went to check it out and saw someone running into a wall scratching himself everywhere. At first we were confused, one of my friends wanted to go see what was wrong so they went up to them while me and my other friend waited. A minute later we heard screaming and looked around the corner and saw the guy was chasing us so we ran as fast as we could. Later that night my friend told me everything he saw, he said he never saw anything like that ever.

  9. Crinkle Face...weird..that's what you guys call a man these days. I saw a man at my work the other day spike a milkshake off the counter because it was the wrong flavor he asked for. Then he continued to pace back and fourth while we made him a knew one, jumping at everyone loud noise in the kitchen. I didn't think it was much, just a man being ungrateful like always, but maybe not...maybe he was infected...god I hope I don't get it!

  10. I can't believe that people theses days would call a man this. All the time at my work a lot of us get mad and we throw the blizzard cups hard in the trash. Then we always go back and fourth from main because it is what we have to do.

  11. I didn’t know this was an actual issue! I’ve had a few patients of mine come in and complain about recently having signs just like these. I didn’t think to turn them in or anything, but now I wish I did because I think they’ve spread it to my home town.

  12. I think I saw one of these people before, they are ugly.

  13. I heard that one of the COVID vaccine side effects is crinkle face. After the vaccine has been injected, some people have experienced symptoms of crinkle face such as increased paranoia and violent outbreaks. This concerns me because more and more people are encouraging me to get the vaccine!

  14. Ah yes, I have encountered someone that was showing signs of this so called Crinkle face. And I reported them as soon as a saw them because I wasn't going to get crinkle face. Plus, hopefully I stopped a worldwide pandemic.


The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...