Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Lost Lady of the Plains

Have you heard of the Lost Lady of the Plains? The Blueberry Plains, that is. If not, pay attention MMers. 

The Blueberry Plains around Route 99 in Kennebunk

This story comes from the Blueberry Plains in Kennebunk. This vast stretch of blueberry bushes is a great place to spend an afternoon if you're looking for a great place to get some authentic wild Maine blueberries. If you happen to be there around dusk, be on the lookout for an older woman who appears to be lost.

Artist's rendition of the
Lost Lady of the Plains

According to several witnesses, this woman appears to be somewhere in her mid- to late-sixties. She has short, white hair, and what appears to be a light blue sweater or light jacket and a pair of sensible, gray slacks. She approaches pickers with an empty pail and lost, longing look in her eyes. She has been reported to ask people, "Have you seen Wallace?" or "My husband. I can't find my husband. I... don't know where I am. I'm so scared."

Reports claim that this apparition is harmless. After a few moments of looking around, she'll wander off again, in a lost shamble, until she disappears among the blueberry bushes. Often times visitors of the Blueberry Plains will claim to hear a woman's voice, raised in a cry, distant as if carried by a soft breeze, calling, "Waaaalllaaace? Waaaalllaaace?"

No one knows who this woman is, but it is clear she is a spirit or ghost. No records of a woman going missing at the Blueberry Plains have been found and there are no reports of a man named Wallace losing his wife in the vicinity, but this phantom has been spotted among the blueberries for thirty years or so. 

One witness to the Lost Lady of the Plains, Karen Baker of Sanford, tried to snap a picture of the ghostly woman as she walked away.

Karen Baker's picture showing the Lost Lady of the Plains

"I swear she was standing right there. Right in the middle of the trail. I could see her plainly, wearing that blue jacket. Her sneakers were so white against the green of the bushes. But she didn't show up in the picture. That's when I knew for sure this wasn't some sort of hoax or tall tale," Karen said.

So, if you're ever out on the Blueberry Plains and you're approached by an elderly woman looking for her husband, Wallace, just kindly tell her that you haven't seen him, but you'll keep an eye out. 

And wish her well.

Stay safe out there, Maine.


  1. This is true, I was there #Girlboss👩‍💼

  2. Has to be one of my top weirdest moments in my life. I was approached by this elderly woman when she asked me if I had seen her husband and I said no, I haven't seen anybody. I asked her if she wanted me to help her look for him but she just turned around and I swear I blinked for not even a second and she was gone. I was so confused that I had to ask about that woman to some locals when they told me about her and said to check out this website. Craziest day of my life.

  3. My dad and I wear picking blueberries one time when we went up to him and asked him if he has seen her husband

  4. i saw something similar but she to far to make out details and at first i thought it was just an old lady dazed but when i turned around after picking up bag she left

  5. I went there a summer or two ago to get some fresh blueberries for my muffins. This woman walked up to me very confused, almost panicked. She claimed she was lost. However I calmed her down and told her I would help her pick some blueberries to put in her empty pale so when her husband got back he could have some. We talked for a while about fruits and vegetables. However I did not get any personal information and when her pale was full she walked off into the planes like I was never there, without saying a word.

  6. I went there a couple of summers ago with my grandma to pick some blueberries for baking and whatnot when from a distance I see a short elderly lady in blue jacket approaching towards us. She was yelling "Wallaceee, has anybody seen Wallace? i'm lost" my grandma went over and started talking to her. As I was continuing picking blueberries my gram turns to me and asks me if Iv'e seen a guy named Wallace. I said no but when my gram turns around a I look up the lady was gone. I never questioned it till now.


The Meat Suit Man

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