Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Beware the Portly Man

As we near the summer months and the tourists begin to arrive, I feel the need to remind you all of the strange encounters many people have had over the years with the Portly Man. Each summer at least one or two people, native Mainers and tourists alike, report long unwilling roadtrips with a rather rotund, older gentleman. Whatever this being is, they don't seem to be malevolent, everyone even though they don't agree to go on the trip reports having a grand ol' time. However they are gone for days or even weeks at a time and at the complete mercy of the Portly Man. They say he takes them to wine tastings, art exhibits, small arthouse plays, and antique shops. Once he has had his fill of their company the Portly man often drops them off somewhere in the Old Port, and they soon regain their faculties and find their way home. Most people are uninjured and genuinely feel a strong connection to the old man, but they never see him again.

So if you are are spending your summer vacation in Maine this year please be aware of the strange danger/opportunity the Portly Man represents. He will not harm you but you will be away from friends, and family for an undetermined amount of time, while he takes you on his little adventure. If you would like to avoid the Portly Man, these are the types of locations he typically appears at:

1. Amateur Plays (Schools, Small Productions)
2. Yard Sales
3. Breweries and Wine Tastings
4. Portland Museum of Art (and other similar locations)
5. Antique Stores and Pawn Shops
An artists rendition of the Portly Man
The vehicle the Portly Man drives
Stay safe out there, Maine, avoid the Portly Man, unless you feel like having the trip of a lifetime!


  1. Yo! This is so true!! My uncle took a ride with him last summer. Said they ended up at some park listening to like a violin concert or something.

  2. My brother actually went missing for a week last summer! turns out he met the Portly man on a ferry and said that it was the weirdest experience of his life!

  3. I went missing for a week, me and big homie spent time on a ferry. I felt a strange attraction towards big homie, he bought me a lot of stuff and kissed me on the cheek.

  4. I remember planning to drive to Portland over the summer in order to go see some friends but I seemingly blacked out after deciding to pick up the old man who said he was going south. I don't remember all to much however I do have pictures on my phone... the old man's face always seemed blurred for some od reason.

  5. Yo lowkey, I remember seeing somebody get picked up by some older man at a yard sale. Unsure what ever happened but they could of been related for all I know. If not, consider it a sighting!

  6. I actually see this guy everyday wondering around my school. He enters different classrooms and is usually with other kids or teachers. Luckily I haven't been captured by this man, but my friend has, and he said it is actually a pretty enjoyable experience.

  7. I remember my friend tried calling me while I was at work, I called him back but I didn't get a response, so I thought nothing of it at the time. We were supposed to go fishing the next day when I stopped by his parents house. They said he hadn't been home since last night. A whole week passed before anyone had heard from him. We were all worried when he looked at us funny. He explained that he was having a little fun hanging out with some guy he found one night. I Never asked him about it until recently and found this website. It all makes so much more sense.

  8. seems almost fun the only paranormal thing that isnt really scary

  9. This is weird to me. Thankfully, I've never had an encounter with The Portly Man, and hopefully never will.

  10. This is so true because a lot of times people get kidknapped and go missing. Some people just run away or you could get taken by just walking down the street.

  11. My mom said that she's seen him before, she said it was one of the weirdest things she'd ever seen.

  12. some say the portly man takes a piece of whomevers soul he encounters

  13. I wonder if he just wants to help people have fun, or after he drops them back off he leaves some sort of bad with them

  14. Be ware, I spotted the portly man at a yard sale while I was in search for a new futon. He encouraged me to get in his car so he could show me a better place in Portland to look for new futons. I was scared that I was being kidnapped so I ran away.

  15. Portly Man spotted!!! I was driving home from work and I saw a older man drop off a young guy in his twenties, but as I looked over for a closer look, I could see that the young guy was passed out and the older man left him in a abandoned mill's parking lot.


The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...