Monday, May 17, 2021

Reed Music

Eyes open, MMers!

It's that time of year, and we thought we'd pass on a curious story we had sent to us here, at Malevolent Maine. This one involves those swampy, marshy places that seem to pop up all over the place for the few months of mud season, sorry, Spring, but are gone by summer. Here's, Terry from Newfield:

"Those little swampy spots have always freaked me out, ever since I was a kid. My old man told me there were water moccasins in the water and quicksand. He told me about a kid he knew when he was a boy who got stuck in a quicksand pit and died. But that's not what freaks me out. That's just common sense. No, it's the reeds that gives me the willies."

That's right: the reeds. Terry recounts how as a boy he was out playing near one of those swampy patches that formed along the river behind his grandparents' house. He was staying well back from the actual water, remembering the lessons his dad taught him, when he sense something watching him. He looked to the reeds, thinking that would be a great place for someone, or something, to hide, but he couldn't see anything.

That's when he heard it. High-pitched, thin flute-like sounds floated faintly towards him. His first thought was that it was the sounds of the reeds blowing in the wind. But there was no wind; it was a totally calm day. Terry went back to whatever he was doing. Soon he heard it again, coming from another cluster of reeds. Again, he felt like he was being watched.

"It was like being stalked."

"It was like a song," Terry told us. "But not. It was like a madman's idea of what a song should be. It was like one of those backwards played song."

The song kept fading and coming back, always from a different cluster of reeds. It lasted for maybe twenty minutes, and the entire time Terry continued to feel like he was being watched. Finally, he ran back to the house.

He thought nothing of it until ten years later when he was out fishing along a marshy stretch of river. "I heard it again. Same weirdo music, same feeling of being watched." Terry heard it a third time when he was out hunting when he was forty-five. He never saw anything, but the overwhelming sense of danger always made him leave the area quickly. 

"It was like being stalked," Terry said. "Like one of those lion shows on tv. Except I wasn't the lion, I was the deer or whatever. And that music... I've never heard anything like it. It's... it's hard to even explain, but it didn't sound like it came from this world. Like it was something from another world or whatever."

And here's the part that really freaked us out, MMers. 

"It doesn't make any sense, but that weird flute music... it sounded like a growl."

What was hiding in the reeds?

Stay safe out there Maine!


  1. I experienced this same thing! the only difference is that when in that tall grass I could hear something rustling around. the more rustling there was, the louder the music became.

  2. I like to practice my flute in the marsh. This guy needs to chill no one is stalking him

  3. As the Moon glows within the night sky without a cloud blocking the path I can hear the music as long as the grass stands by from where I stand.. I don't trust the grass, it feels like I'm constantly being watched ever since I heard the music and now reading this.. I need to leave to a place with no grass but I hear It'll somehow follow me.

  4. I have never experienced unusual noises or the sound of songs while near reeds. Once, I heard weird noises at camp, but I assumed it was an animal or something. I think it's very interesting that someone has experienced hearing music from reeds.

  5. I've had something close to this happen to me as well. I still remember it today and it makes me a bit uneasy.

  6. have you tried mowing the reeds?

  7. I've heard the noises coming from the reeds, never thought of it as something big. I always thought it was just some animals moving around.

  8. I had the same thing happen to me although mine sounded like a growl. I was sitting in my hammock out back of my house trying to take a nap, when all of a sudden a growling noise started happening and it just got louder and louder. I ran inside and never sat in that hammock again!


The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...