Friday, April 16, 2021

In the Potato Fields

This story comes to us from a new MMer named Andrea who lives up in Aroostook County. She lives in a small town nestled in a bend of the St. John River. Her family has always been potato farmers, and they plant fields upon fields of them every year. However she was always warned by her grandmother never to go out into the fields during the nights leading up to harvest. Andrea told us that she listened to her grandmother for most of her life and avoided the fields, until her teenage years when she and her friends stayed out just a little too late one night.

As they covered what was left of their bonfire for the night, Andrea parted ways with her friends and began to walk home through the potato rows. The moon was just bright enough for her to avoid tripping if she walked slowly. On her way home she was met with a whistling shriek, she stopped in her tracks as small shadows skittered in and around her legs. She panicked and began to run, more shrieks errupted as she ran. She stumbled and landed face first in a large mound of potatoes that had been freshly dug up. As she scrambled to pick herself up her hand found what felt like a potato but it had a strange leathery outer shell, and was warm to the touch. Upon picking up the object there was a symphony of shrieks and strange chittering sounds. She clutched the odd potato like object to her chest and ran back towards her house.

As she neared her house she turned back and saw several small creatures with large eyes following her. She quickly entered the house and closed the door. The next morning the only evidence of the creatures was the scratches on her front door no higher than her knee and the now cold object she had picked up. It wasn't a potato, nor was it a rock, she has no idea what it is but suspects its an egg of some sort. This was nearly twenty five years ago, but she still keeps the object as a reminder of her strange encounter in the potato fields.
Andrea sent us these photos of the object

If you are ever in norhthern Maine during the potato harvest, make sure you stay out of the fields at night, you never know if these little creatures will be around! Stay safe out there, Maine!


  1. This is the best one yet.

  2. Andrea is my second cousin. I've seen the object in your story. It's an egg of some kind. Definitely an egg


  4. I lived on a potato farm for most of my life, my mother told me the same thing "never go to the potato fields at night'. well we had an indoor cat and one night he got out, he ended up coming back the next day but he wasn't the same and would hiss at us anytime we picked up a potato...

  5. I lived on a potato farm for awhile a few years ago and remember being told about this story from one of the locals I thought it was bogus so that night I went out in my fields walking around, Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first, that was until I heard something a little ways away from me, I didn't know what it was because it did not sound like a squirrel or rabbit. I had drawn out my knife and slowly made my way over to the origin of the sound before I could even think the sound amplified and was all around me I felt something hit my leg and when I looked down there was a slash mark in my jeans and as I began to run back to my house more slashes formed some even cutting at my legs. I slammed the door and cleaned myself up looking out my window into the fields I knew something was out there moving around but what it was I still don't know, Needless to say I moved away from that house and swore to never live or go near another farm like that again.

  6. That's so weird! iv'e been stealing potatoes forever and this has never happened to me

  7. 👻OMG (Oh My Goodness) 😱! Something similar happened to me when I took my kids to go strawberry picking🍓💦! I had gone to pick a patch by myself so I left my son Kyle to watch the baskets by himself( #METIME🧘‍♀️). When I got back all the strawberries were gone and a strange egg shaped rock was in the basket 🤯! When I looked at my son, Kyle, he had red covered all over his hands, feet, and mouth😭! When I asked what happened he said the thing in the basket did it 🧺. Needless I was FURIOUS!!! So I asked to speak to the manager and demanded a refund💰! But the manager said NO!?!?!!! 😡😤😡

    3/10 Would not go again🤬, but the baskets were nice 🥰🍓🧺

  8. GOD DAMN! SPOOKY ASS POTATO MONSTERS! Don't yall go up North ever! Them crazy monsters are all up in northern maine! I heard thats where Crinkle Face is! They gotta be workin together or something, I mean come on, little ankle biting monsters and a guy whos Face looks like belly rolls? Somethings not adding up and I'm gonna get down to business.

  9. This is so weird. I don't get why people would want to live or steal from a potato farm. This is just a weird but interesting story to hear about. I have never grew up on a farm.


The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...