Monday, February 22, 2021

Poverty Pond Poltergeist

This story comes to us from MMer Mike who lives on Poverty Pond in Shapleigh. After a long day of ice fishing Mike retired to his kitchen for a hot cup of cocoa and as he was looking out on the lake he saw a figure moving around carrying what looked to be a manual ice auger. It was strange to Mike because just a few minutes earlier he had been completely alone on the lake, but he quickly got over the unnerving feeling.

As Mike began moving around his kitchen, whipping up a quick ‘suppah’ he paused every now and then to look out his front window. In the moonlight he could see the figure pausing for a few minutes to drill a hole, then it would get down on its hands and knees and it looked like it shoved his whole arm into the whole he just finished. Mike thought this was a bit odd, but maybe the man just had a few eccentric fishing habits. However everytime he paused in making his dinner Mike saw the man further down the lake, making a long string of holes, and every time he would stop and push his arm deep inside. “He must be freezing by now” Mike thought to himself, so he put on the tea kettle to make the man a bit of hot cocoa. By the time Mike had the cocoa ready and flipped his floodlights on so he could avoid the holes the man had drilled, the figure was gone.

Photo sent in by Mike, we have circled all the holes drilled by the figure

Was this just a man who had a strange way of trying to catch fish? Someone trying to fish something out of the pond? A ghost looking fruitlessly for something it had lost? Or something more Sinister. In our humble opinion at Malevolent Maine this sounds like a poltergeist of some sort, no other phantom could interact with the real world like that.

In any case avoid Poverty Pond at night unless you have a nice shack to stay in to avoid interacting with whatever is out there, stay safe out there, Maine!


  1. There’s been many sightings of this figure that looks to be a man. I’ve seen him myself!! From stories that have been told, he makes those holes in the water not to catch fish, but to find his son/daughter.

  2. WOW😵! This sounds a lot like my girlfriend Janice's stupid (2nd 😒) EX husband Mike!?! He's doing boring things like making suppah and getting haunted 🙄🤚. The last time we heard from him me and the girls were having a poker party, and it was really getting 🔥LIT🔥 (as my daughter Stacileigh would say🤰)when Nancy brought out the wine 🍾. We kept hearing him Mike scream from downstair but we didn't care because we were having #Girltime🥂. The next thing you knew Mike was gone and Janice was filing the divorce papers LOL 😂😂😂(laughing out loud)! I hope he's not dead LMFAO (Laughing My Food and Apatite Off) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!!
    #Relatable😹 #GirlsNight👯‍♀️ #WinesOut🍷

  3. Ive had similar experiences, people appearing on the ice out of nowhere and then disappearing. Its weird because they never even pay any attention to me either or respond they just go about their business.

  4. My Grandpa lived on this pond. He told us so many stories of how he saw a man picking his flowers out of his flower garden every morning. However when he went to open his door and talk to the man he would be gone, and there would be no flowers missing from the garden. We all thought he was joking and it was just some of grandpas stories....

  5. I’ve heard a few of these stories at school. This figure isn’t even a man, he was said to be a demon of some kind. He makes holes in the ice, hoping to lure someone into the water and trap them underneath.

  6. My friend who lives in Shapleigh told me about this story. She even saw this "man" he was going around the pond drilling holes through the lake during the winter time. My friend told me that she heard from locals that this man every winter goes to the lake drilling holes to try and find his son/daughter who drowned in the pond years ago.


The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...