Thursday, October 15, 2020

Houlton Wild Man

MMer Jim and his buddy Carl from Houlton, were out bear hunting in early November last year when they encountered something that wasn’t a bear at all. Jim walked us through what happened, “We are pretty close to this lady who owns a bakery, she lets us take the day old donuts and other pastries for real cheap. We take those out into the woods, find a nice little clearing and spread ‘em out, then all we have to do is wait for the bears to find the pile.” As they sat in their blind, something covered in thick matted black hair stumbled through the underbrush and investigated their bait.  

Woods near Houlton

“Carl raised his rifle right away, he ain’t never got a bear before and was eager. But I waved him off and pushed his barrel down as quietly as I could. This was one scraggly bear, it was real thin and small, and had a funny walk to it. It took me a minute to realize it was some really hairy guy running around on all fours.”

Jim quickly got out of the blind and approached the man who was stuffing his face with the day old pastries. At the noise Jim caused shuffling through the leaves and bushes the wild man quickly turned and faced Jim head on. “As I got closer to him I didn’t know how we ever thought it could be a bear, but he was covered all over with this long black matted hair. His eyes were big, and so brown they were almost black. He growled at me, real low and deep, and bared his teeth which were all chipped and sharp.”  The wild man scurried towards Jim and from the blind there was a shot as Carl tried to protect his friend.  The man ran off into the woods, “There were a few drops of blood on day old pastries” Jim said.  “But we don’t know if we hit him, or if he was already injured. Either way we ain’t going back to that spot again.”  

Wild Men have been a common sighting around
the world for hundreds of years

If you are ever in the woods near Houlton, make sure you watch out for the wild man, from the encounter reported by Jim it seems he can be aggressive or at the very least territorial. Whether this is a small Sasquatch, or simply a mentally ill man it should be avoided, stay safe out there, Maine!

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The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...