Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Black Tarot Part II

Update, MMers! Back in March we ran a story about a series of disturbing tarot cards appearing in random people's mailboxes. We spoke to four individuals who received these cards with no explanation. You can read about it here. Well, since then we've heard from two more Mainers who have received these packages.

Up first is Brenda Williams. Brenda is the head librarian at the Madison Public Library. Three days ago she received the now familiar to our readers, black envelope addressed to her. Again there was no return address, no stamp. It was as if the envelope just appeared in her mailbox.

The envelope Brenda received

Inside were five cards from the deck we're calling the "Black Tarot." Brenda received The Shaman, the Queen of Wands, the II of Sigils, the V of Blades, and the Knight of Blades. Again, we're unsure of the meaning of these cards or the purpose. We don't know who is sending them or why, but state police have determined that these cards are indeed just paper cards. There are no harmful substances on them and no one has been harmed because of these cards. Still, they can be quite unsettling.

Brenda Williams' spread

"I don't like them," Brenda said. "I don't know who sent them or why they thought this was a good prank. It's not funny to terrorize people. These are disgusting and whoever is doing this is disturbed."

The other set of cards was sent to Kerri Delong in West Paris. Much like the other recipients, her cards showed up mysteriously in the mailbox over night. "I check my mail every day," Kerri told us. "One morning they were just in there, waiting for me." Kerri also sent us a picture of her cards:

Kerri Delong's spread

 "I don't like touching them," she said. "They're... they're not slimy, but they feel wrong. Like cold, somehow. But not paper. They feel like... like cold skin. I mean, I know they're not. It's obvious they're just paper, but still... something about them just creeps me out."

We also have an update on our original four recipients. To a person each of the original four - Larry Gilbert, Sharon Messina, Dominic Stoddard, and Sara Burgess - all of them now claim their cards have disappeared. 

"It's the craziest thing," Larry Gilbert said over the phone. "I left them right in the envelope in a drawer. When you contacted me about them, I went to check. The envelope is still there, but the cards are gone. No one would have taken them. I didn't throw them out. They're just gone, like they melted away."

The other three also confirmed similar stories. The cards are gone, but the envelope remains. We reached out to Brenda Williams about taking possession of her cards and she was more than willing to oblige.

"Get them out of my house," she said. "I never want to see them again."

We now have her set of Black Tarot cards in our possession here at our office. We will monitor them every day and give any updates we may find. For now, we'll keep you updated and stay safe out there, Maine.

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The Meat Suit Man

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