Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Wells of Lucifer

Here's a creepy one for you, MMers. Over in Hiram, the locals report a phenomenon that defies explanation. They call it the Wells of Lucifer and the citizens of Hiram will warn you away if you ask about it. 

The Wells themselves are a series of three holes in the ground, arranged in a loose triangular configuration. Each one is about three feet in diameter, about the size of an old well. Hot air seems to rise out of the holes. No one is quite sure how far they go down, but at least three hundred feet is the most current guesstimate. The origin of the wells is unknown, the landowner claims they just appeared one night in 1974. 

One of the Wells of Lucifer

But the appearance of these devil holes isn't what makes them terrifying; it's the sounds that emanate from the wells.

Their screams can be heard on the surface

Multiple visitors to the Wells have noted that screams that rise up from the depths. The stories claim that these are tortured souls, screaming from the bowels of hell. These strange sounds are no mere myth either, they have been reported and recorded  multiple times. However, the twisted screams seem to have physical reactions in the people that hear them. The most common is a feeling of slight nausea and sinus pressure. One visitor claimed it was like his brain had suddenly swelled and was trying to push against his skull. The longer a person stays and listens to the screams, the more adverse the reactions become. To date, the longest a person has stayed, leaning over the wells, hearing the screams has been just under five minutes. That person was hospitalized and later released.

We talked to several people who have visited the Wells of Lucifer and all of them agreed that the area had an eerie aura to it. They felt as if someone were watching them. They all agreed the screams, which start low, seemed to get louder and louder, the longer they stood there. In the end, each one of them stumbled away, feeling disoriented and sick.

We also visited the Wells, and can confirm their supernatural nature. We were able to lower some recording equipment down into the hole, about two hundred and fifty feet down. We were only able to record a few seconds of audio before our equipment broke. We've posted the audio below. Listen at your own risk, MMers, this is pretty scary stuff.

The Wells of Lucifer

Stay safe out there, Maine. 

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The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...