Thursday, January 14, 2021

School's Out

Listen up, Believers! Some readers in the Southern Maine region have informed me of something we need to pass on to you. Supposedly there's an abandoned school hidden in the woods somewhere between Sanford and the New Hampshire border. The story goes that there's a ghost that haunts the old school. It's supposedly the spirit of the old PRINCIPAL. No one really knows who this guy is and no real records of him can be found, but he's had a HAND in several reported hauntings in the area.

Two of our loyal viewers confirmed this is real. They even sent along some pictures of the old school. It's quite a hike into the woods, but if you're up for an adventure, you can find it. They reported that the air inside the old principal's office felt cold, and they heard an eerie laugh float through the abandoned halls.  

Be aware, as is always the case at Malevolent Maine we are not responsible for any bodily or spiritual harm that may come from your visiting any of the haunted sites we report on. You're entering at your own risk and any possessions, hauntings, or emotional damage done is on your own head. Please, stay safe out there, Maine.

Abandoned school in Southern Maine

MMer, Dan (Last name redacted) claims he felt a presence in this classroom.

"This is where we heard that creepy laugh," says MMer, Susan Crennel.

1 comment:

  1. I know someone who has seen this building. They say it was a huge building, and she felt a big breeze as she walked past it. It wasnt windy that day since the trees weren't moving, so it must've been the ghost.


The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...