Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Night at Crannog's Field

Crannog's Field in Unity has always been known as a bit of an odd spot. Owner, Sebastian Jenkins tells us that the big field has often been a gathering spot for hippies, college kids, and the occasional coven of witches. That's right, witches.

Crannog's Field, Unity, ME

"There's a group of witches, or as they like to be called, practitioners of wicca, and they come out every couple of full moons," Jenkins told us. "They dance around, do some chanting. No big deal. They also come out once every turn of the season during the day. They tend to dance in the nude, but, no offense to those ladies, no one really wants to see that, if you catch my drift."

Crannog's Field is a big clearing in the middle of the woods. You might not even know it's right there off the Waterville Road if you were driving through. The locals know, however. The story goes that it was in this field that the original Quaker settlers hanged three women accused of witchcraft. Ever since then the spot has been one of the more interesting locations in the town. "It draws a pretty eclectic crowd," Jenkins says, "but they're all pretty harmless. A little dancing, maybe a little drinking or other extracurricular activities, if you know what I mean. For the most part everyone just sorta leaves everyone else alone."

But this isn't a story about Quakers or middle-aged wiccans. It's a story about six people found in the field twelve days ago. June 5th was a full moon, but according to Sebastian Jenkins, the local wiccans weren't there that night. "The ladies had the night off," he laughed. "I don't know who was out in the field that night. I don't always check - like I said everyone's very respectful."

The morning of June 6th, the six people, four women and two men, stumbled out of the field onto the stretch of Route 139 known as the Waterville Road. They were naked, confused, and had no idea where they were.

The monolith discovered in Crannog's Field
"So far the six individuals discovered in Crannog's Field have been unable to tell us anything about their identity or why they were out there," Police Chief Bret Carson told us. "We believe they are telling the truth but at this time, we have no idea what happened in the field that night."

The six people all appear in their late twenties to mid-thirties. They do not remember their names or any personal information. No personal items were discovered in the field to identify them. In fact, the only thing discovered in the field was a giant stone monolith. The stone is nine feet high and appears to have sprouted from the ground. Both Jenkins, the field's owner, and several locals we spoke to agreed that the stone had not been there before. It is as if it appeared over night.

The rock was covered in soot as if it had been in a fire, but there was no trace of a fire anywhere. Written in the soot, near the top of the monolith was one word: Az'azouzis. This does not appear to be a word in any language and there are no matches on the internet for it. At the time of this writing, the meaning of the word is unknown.

The six people did not recognize the word, but according to Chief Carson, they all had a visible reaction upon hearing the word. "They shivered," he told us. "Like they were cold. It's June. It was 75 degrees that morning, but when they heard that word, they acted like they had just walked into a blizzard."

Who are these six? What were they doing out in the field that night? And what or who is Az'azouzis? If you have any information, you should contact the Maine State Police.

Do you know any of these people?
Stay safe out there, Maine.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Alien Research Facility

Welcome back MMers! We were recently approached by a freelance journalist who said she had a scoop on something big going on up in Calais. This journalist who wanted to go by Nadia, said that she had been undercover at this secret government facility right on the border between Maine and Canada. She said that one of the things being investigated at this facility was alien life. 

Nadia recounted her experience to us, “Before I became a journalist I got my bachelors in Biomedical Engineering, sadly some family issues brought be back home to Calais, and I started working on my blog to pay the bills. I had heard rumors of this strange top secret government facility from the old timers in town. And after a few weeks of investigation I managed to get myself a position their based on my history in biomedical engineering.” 

“Security was tight, we couldn’t have personal phones, but I managed to sneak it in a few times. In order for it to seem less conspicuous I downloaded tiktok on it, and would do the popular dances in front of things I wanted to record. I felt like an idiot doing the renegade in front of tank full of weird tentacles, but I did it so that if they eventually caught me I could play it off as just being a dumb kid you know, someone who was a little airheaded and cared more about social media than keeping my job at a government lab.” 

What Nadia says the tanks looked like 
Nadia says that eventually her tiktoks were found out and she was forced to leave. “They took my phone, which sadly had all the evidence on it, because the lab is on a disconnected network and wouldn’t let me post to the internet from inside. They interrogated me for a week down there, kept me in a holding space until they were sure I wasn’t a foreign agent of some sort. They terminated me and then eventually let me go back to my home without my phone or any reasonable evidence.”

If we have a facility like this in our own backyard, I can’t imagine what other shady things the government is up to. We would like to thank Nadia for her dedication in discovering the truth. Watch out for big brother, and don’t let the aliens bite, stay safe out there, Maine!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Meadow People

Stories of elves, dwarves, gnomes, and faeries have been spread by humans for thousands of years. What about small humanoid creatures fascinates us? This story comes to us from MMer Anna who wants to help her mother Alice share her story about the miniature people she has taken care of for years. 
Starks Maine, located in Somerset County

Alice lives in Stark Maine, a haven for people of a naturalistic mentality, it is a place best known for its steps to legalize marijuana before it was a popular stance. Alice and her husband Charlie built a homestead in the hills near Stark nearly fifty years ago, and their cozy home oversees a large lush meadow.  Alice and Charlie were always very conscientious about their impact on the natural world, they only took what they needed and they tried their best to be self-sufficient. They composted, recycled, reused, and if they cut down a tree they used every part of it, thanks to Charlie’s skill as a woodworker and carver. Charlie passed away around ten years ago and for many years Alice couldn’t bring herself to go into his workshop. 

One time after a heavy rain that flooded the meadow down the hill from their home, Alice heard strange almost musical noises coming from Charlie’s old workshop. She peeked her head in and saw among the cobwebs and old woodworking tools several creatures no more than 7 or 8 inches tall. They had oblong heads, long necks, and a spindly torso and limbs. They were gathered around even smaller figures and seemed to be keeping them warm in the chilly and moist morning air. When Alice pushed the door open to get a better look the hinges squeaked and the creatures scattered to the darkest corners of the workshop. 

Over the next few years Alice gradually built a rapport with the creatures, leaving food scraps in the shed, and leaving small pieces of fabric from her knitting projects in there. Alice is slowly losing the fight of aging, she is finding it hard to move around as much now due to arthritis, and her glaucoma grows worse month by month. She says soon her family is going to make her move from her idyllic Stark home, closer to her daughter so they can take better care of her. But all Alice worries about is the little meadow people who live near her. She doesn’t want to leave until she is sure they will be taken care of. 

Alice asks us to inform everyone we can about the existence of the meadow people and tell them to check sheds, outbuildings, barns, and workshops for them and to try to help them out whenever they can. 

Help save the meadow people, and stay safe out there, Maine!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Reference Section

There are a lot of terrible people out there, and those who have dealt with a life of suffering at the hands of bullies, abusers, and just general jerks, can easily spot someone who is dealing with the same situations they have been in. Grace Vickery was a student at USM in the early 2000’s and the library on campus was her sanctuary. She had always been a shy girl, and although she had plans to get out of her shell in college she had never found her crowd. So she kept to herself mostly either doing her school work or reading fantasy novels. Either way she was in the library a lot, and formed a close bond with the assistant librarian there who’s name was Mr. Davis.  Her junior year however her safe space was invaded by a group of athletes who were on the verge of being put on academic probation and had set up camp in the library to make themselves at least appear like they were doing something. 

The USM Library

The boys and their girlfriends weren’t just rowdy, whenever Grace walked by they would whisper under their breath and then laugh once they felt she was far enough away. One time a large football player pushed back his chair at just the right time to bump into Grace and she ended up falling to the ground and losing all the papers and books she had been carrying. They all made a big show of helping her up, but “they were snickering the whole time” Grace said. “It was so disheartening, it was the one place I felt at home there, I wasn’t bothering anyone, but as soon as they started coming there I felt like they zeroed in on me as the butt of their joke. One day I just couldn’t take it anymore so I headed deep into the reference section, just so I wouldn’t be near any of them, and so I could have a good cry. I thought I was alone but Mr. Davis came out of the rows and put his hand on my shoulder ‘Don’t let them bother you too much Grace’ he said, ‘they’re insignificant, no better than dumb oxes, and far more useless’.” “I laughed through my sobs,” Grace said, “Mr. Davis sat with me a while and said that the next time he saw them doing something to me he would ban them from the library forever. I got a little nervous at that, I thought it would only make it worse, so I told him not to worry, that I could deal with it. He just nodded and told me if I needed anything to let him know.”

The bullying went on however and as finals week approached Grace was worried that she wasn’t in the right mental state to study and pass all her finals. She cocooned herself in a cozy corner of  the reference section far away from her antagonizers.

“Next time I saw Mr. Davis back there, he asked if things had gotten worse. I told him no it was about the same, I just couldn’t deal with it and study at the same time. He stood up and motioned for me to follow him. He led me through rows upon rows of books, left turns, right turns, I almost lost track of where I was. In the furthest corner of the reference section he stopped, and pointed down a dimly lit row that was filled with dusty books. ‘There are ways of getting even Grace, ways to make people like that regret how shitty they are.’ I didn’t know what to say but was intrigued by the books so I followed him down the aisle. ‘It takes some studying but I know you are good at that’ he smiled, ‘but maybe one day one of them has a freak accident, one comes down with an illness, one is mauled by a rabid dog. These are things we can do with the right words, the right books.’ I can tell you that I was a little disturbed by what he said, but I can’t say it wasn’t appealing to me. To make these assholes pay for treating me like crap all the time, that was something I could get behind.”

Grace tells us that she spent probably an hour going through that section with Mr. Davis, exploring the old books. “Most didn’t have titles, at least not on the cover. When you opened them up a lot were in this weird script that I still haven’t been able to identify. It wasn’t Latin, I studied Latin, it didn’t appear to be Arabic, or a system of language like Japanese or Chinese. I was at a loss and still am.” Grace describes some books as bound in this thin paper like leather, that looked as though it had blue veins running through it, other books had blood stained pages. “All the while we were back there Mr. Davis talked about me joining some sort of exclusive group, one with power, one with the ability to shape the world. But I just couldn’t do it, it all sounded so wrong. I thanked him, but said it wasn’t for me, those people would change eventually or they wouldn’t, I didn’t have to be around them forever, and at the end of the day they meant nothing to me. I wasn’t going to waste however many years it would take to learn whatever it was Mr. Davis was offering just to get back at people that ultimately don’t matter. I still remember that language though, and the feel of the books, some days I regret rejecting him, knowing a spell or two would have been cool, but I also know if I had gone down that path I would have lost something of myself.”

If you are at USM in the library, although Mr. Davis is long gone, perhaps you too can find this hidden batch of books in the back. We do warn you about the dangers of delving into the dark arts however. 

Stay safe out there Maine!

The Meat Suit Man

Welcome back, MMers! It has been  LONG time coming, and before we dive into today's story, we feel we owe you guys a bit of an explanati...